UniProt Summary
UniProt ID


Entry Name


Protein Name

Disintegrin and metalloproteinase domain-containing protein 19

Primary Gene Name



Homo sapiens (Human)

Molecular Function


Membrane Location


Biological Literature Report of Shedding
Substrate Name ADAM19
Cell Type
Substrate Description diverse cellular process regulated by proteolytic cleavage
Substrate Function Category enzyme
Substrate Function Subtype enzyme (protease)
Sheddase ADAM19
Shedding-related Disease protease (metalloproteinase)
Short Summary of Papers autolytic processing of ADAM19 for proteolytic activity
Cleavage Information NONE
PMID 12393862

Cleavage Site Diagram

Topological Domains
Topological Domains
Start End
203 699
700 720

Proteolytic Cleavage
Database CutSeq Mapped Position Protease Type Evidence PMID
HPRD RMKR*EDLN 203 Furin 12006600    12058067   
HPRD RMKR*EDLN 203 Furin 12006600    12058067   
MEROPS RMKR*EDLN 203 PCSK7 peptidase not physiologically relevant consensus sequence 18505722   
MEROPS RMKR*EDLN 203 PCSK5 peptidase not physiologically relevant consensus sequence 18505722   
MEROPS RMKR*EDLN 203 PCSK6 peptidase not physiologically relevant consensus sequence 18505722   
MEROPS RMKR*EDLN 203 PCSK4 peptidase not physiologically relevant consensus sequence 18505722   
MEROPS RMKR*EDLN 203 PCSK2 peptidase not physiologically relevant consensus sequence 18505722   
MEROPS RMKR*EDLN 203 ADAM19 peptidase physiologically relevant NONE 12393862   
MEROPS RMKR*EDLN 203 furin physiologically relevant NONE 12058067   

Secretome Detection
Secretome Database Cell Type or Body Fluid PubMed Reference
HCSD cancer (lung cancer) 19776420
HCSD cancer(prostate cancer) 22908226
HCSD cancer(colorectal cancer 22408128