UniProt Summary
UniProt ID


Entry Name


Protein Name

Hepatitis A virus cellular receptor 2

Primary Gene Name



Homo sapiens (Human)

Molecular Function

Membrane Location

Cell membrane

Biological Literature Report of Shedding
Substrate Name T cell immunoglobulin mucin domain 3 (Tim-3)
Cell Type
Substrate Description cell surface receptor implicated in modulating innate and adaptive immune responses.
Substrate Function Category disease
Substrate Function Subtype
Sheddase ADAM10
Shedding-related Disease infection (HIV)
Short Summary of Papers shed sTim-3 was found elevated during early and chronic untreated HIV infection, correlated with HIV disease progression
Cleavage Information NONE
PMID 25609823

Cleavage Site Diagram

Topological Domains
Topological Domains
Start End
22 202
203 223

Proteolytic Cleavage
Database CutSeq Mapped Position Protease Type Evidence PMID
PAPER No_information ADAM10 25609823   
PAPER No_information ADAM10, ADAM17 24121505   

Secretome Detection
Secretome Database Cell Type or Body Fluid PubMed Reference
Sys-BodyFluid Urine 16281181
Sys-BodyFluid Urine 16948836
Sys-BodyFluid Cerebrospinal fluid 17022648