UniProt Summary
UniProt ID


Entry Name


Protein Name

Fibroblast growth factor receptor-like 1

Primary Gene Name



Homo sapiens (Human)

Molecular Function


Membrane Location


Biological Literature Report of Shedding
Substrate Name Fibroblast growth factor receptor-like 1 (FGFRL1)
Cell Type
Substrate Description negative regulator of FGFR signaling, negative effect on cell proliferation
Substrate Function Category growth factor & growth hormone
Substrate Function Subtype
Sheddase (unkown)
Shedding-related Disease growth factor receptor (FGFR)
Short Summary of Papers soluble FGFRL1 ectodomain is capable of binding to some FGF ligands
Cleavage Information NONE
PMID 19920134

Cleavage Site Diagram

Topological Domains
Topological Domains
Start End
25 378
379 399

Proteolytic Cleavage
Database CutSeq Mapped Position Protease Type Evidence PMID
MEROPS PAAA*ARGP 24 signal peptidase complex (animal) physiologically relevant N-terminal sequencing 15340161   
PAPER VASS*SSAT 369 (unkown) 19920134   

Secretome Detection
Secretome Database Cell Type or Body Fluid PubMed Reference
SPD 22728825
Sys-BodyFluid Plasma/Serum 18795103
HCSD cancer (lung cancer) 19776420
HCSD cancer(prostate cancer) 22908226
HCSD cancer(Liver metastasis in colorectal cancer) 23443137