UniProt Summary
UniProt ID


Entry Name


Protein Name

Low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 8

Primary Gene Name



Homo sapiens (Human)

Molecular Function


Membrane Location

Cell membrane

Biological Literature Report of Shedding
Substrate Name ApoER2
Cell Type
Substrate Description cell surface receptor for Reelin (RELN) and apolipoprotein E (apoE)-containing ligands.
Substrate Function Category lipid (lipoprotein receptor famiy)
Substrate Function Subtype
Sheddase ADAM
Shedding-related Disease cell receptor
Short Summary of Papers NGF induces ApoER2 shedding by metalloprotease, and the proteolytic processing is regulated by ApoER2 ligand Reelin; ApoER2 undergoes RIP(regulated intramembrane proteolysis) after the shedding of extracellular domain.
Cleavage Information NONE
PMID 25233900 15950758

Cleavage Site Diagram

Topological Domains
Topological Domains
Start End
42 826
827 847

Proteolytic Cleavage
Database CutSeq Mapped Position Protease Type Evidence PMID
ASCENT HLAA*AAAD 31 UNKNOWN subtiligase-based N-terminal sequencing 33536314   
ASCENT HLAA*AAAD 31 UNKNOWN subtiligase-based N-terminal sequencing 33536314   
ASCENT LAAA*AADP 32 UNKNOWN subtiligase-based N-terminal sequencing 33536314   
PAPER No_information ADAM 25233900   

Secretome Detection
Secretome Database Cell Type or Body Fluid PubMed Reference
SPD 22728825
Sys-BodyFluid Plasma/Serum 16878292
Sys-BodyFluid Plasma/Serum 16104056
Sys-BodyFluid Plasma/Serum 17553692
HCSD cancer (lung cancer) 19776420
HCSD cancer(prostate cancer) 22908226
HCSD cancer(Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma) 23665456
HCSD cancer(colorectal cancer 24418523