UniProt Summary
UniProt ID


Entry Name


Protein Name


Primary Gene Name



Homo sapiens (Human)

Molecular Function

Developmental protein

Membrane Location

Cell membrane

Biological Literature Report of Shedding
Substrate Name Ephrin-B1
Cell Type
Substrate Description ligand for receptor tyrosine kinases Eph receptors, migration, repulsion and adhesion during neuronal, vascular and epithelial development.
Substrate Function Category central nervous system (neuron)
Substrate Function Subtype
Sheddase MMP8
Shedding-related Disease ligand
Short Summary of Papers the cleavage of ephrin-B1 extracellular domain by MMP8 may be a negative regulation of the EphB-ephrin-B1 complex
Cleavage Information NONE
PMID 17567680

Cleavage Site Diagram

Topological Domains
Topological Domains
Start End
28 237
238 258

Proteolytic Cleavage
Database CutSeq Mapped Position Protease Type Evidence PMID
MEROPS LATP*LAKN 27 signal peptidase complex (animal) physiologically relevant N-terminal sequencing 15340161   
ASCENT PGSR*GSLG 199 UNKNOWN subtiligase-based N-terminal sequencing 33536314   
MEROPS QEEK*SGPG 217 matrix metallopeptidase-8 physiologically relevant Mass spectroscopy 17567680   
PAPER GPGA*SGGS 222 UNKNOWN Mass spectrometry 33796845   
PAPER GASG*GSSG 224 UNKNOWN Mass spectrometry 33796845   
PAPER ASGG*SSGD 225 UNKNOWN Mass spectrometry 33796845   
PMAP No_information presenilin 1 This entry is based on an experiment Gel electrophoresis 16930449   

Secretome Detection
Secretome Database Cell Type or Body Fluid PubMed Reference
PAPER platelet 20962327
SPD 22728825
Sys-BodyFluid Amniotic fluid 17495049
Sys-BodyFluid Urine 16948836
HCSD cancer (gastric cancer) 23161554
HCSD cancer (lung cancer) 19776420
HCSD cancer(prostate cancer) 22908226
HCSD cancer(23 cancer cell lines) 20124221
HCSD cancer(Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma) 23665456
HCSD cancer(colon tumor) 23684732
HCSD cancer(colorectal cancer 22408128
HCSD cancer(colorectal carsinoma) 23585443
HCSD cancer(colorectal cancer 24418523
HCSD cancer(pancreatic cancer) 21625447
HCSD cancer(ovarian cancer) 23805888
HCSD cancer(Liver metastasis in colorectal cancer) 23443137
HCSD cancer(non small cell lung cancer) 19655816